Archive for July, 2006

My Addiction

Like most people in the world, I too, have an addiction. It’s not nicotine, alcohol, or cocaine. My drug is information. I am compulsively looking things up and before the internet, I used books. I have hundreds of reference books that I just can’t seem to part with. Not books like the encycopedia britannica. Mine are more obscure. Here are the titles of a few of them:

The Dictionary of Symbols
The History of Magic
The Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Spirits
The Dictionary of Theories
The Chronicles of Crime
The Encyclopedia of American Scandal
The Hiphoptionary
The Dictionary of American Slang
Naughty Shakespeare
The Dictionary of Urban Legends
Paul Harvey The Rest of the Story

It goes on and on and on. I can’t stop!!

I can’t stand the thought of not being able to find something out immediately. Never do I use just one source. Oh no, I spend hours looking through books and on the internet until I feel like I am completely educated on whatever it is I am looking for. And beware if you happen to be sitting in the same room with me at the time because then you become completely educated on the subject as well.

It’s very possible that if my brain is not constantly stimulated it could just shut down. I have been this way as long as I can remember. I read a whole set of encyclopedias cover to cover in the 3rd grade. They were kids encyclopedias but there were 23 of them. Then I got hooked on jigsaw puzzles, atari, nintendo, computer games, crosswords, but not playstation because i won’t let myself go near one because I can’t spend any more nights of my life dreaming about playing a video game after spending 8 hours playing it. I never go anywhere without a book or magazine. The thought of sitting idle for more than about 3 minutes is unfathomable. I even listen to audiobooks at work. There has to be something to this. I am also a fidgeter and a nail biter. Do you think my brain is on some kind of speed without me knowing about it? I guess it could be doing worse things.

I think that’s all for now because there is yet another question for me to ponder. Can I live without the internet?

July 13, 2006 at 4:24 am 3 comments

My first blog.

Some people have their first born, their first home, their first brand new off the showroom car; me, I have my first blog. I really was excited about this. Thinking about all of the things I wanted to write but then I had to set the whole thing up which is normally something that I am good at and enjoy but just now I had a lot of things I wanted to write and I have forgotten most of them, and believe me, they were quite brilliant. I focused most of my energy on picking a name that I can never change. That permanence always freaks me out anyway. Nothing should ever be unchangable. The real reason that I thought I should get a blog is because people get tired of listening to me. I have had the blues for the past few days and I am trying to find an outlet. I really think my problem is too much testoterone. Not that I have a hormonal imbalance or anything, its just that, I have 3 guy roommates and work with 12 other guys. There are very few women that I interact with daily. I never thought that this could ever be a problem until now. This past weekend I spent mostly hanging out with some girlfriends and it was so much fun. I didn’t realize how much I missed basic female interaction. The funny thing is, last year was completely opposite, I worked with all women and it was terrific. Anyway, I am not going to become a lesbian or anything but I am going to make it a point to have a little more girl time with my friends.
I also have been a little homesick. I am a southern girl living in Los Angeles so most of my friends are back home. I love living here and have only started feeling this way over the past 4th of July holiday. This is mostly because everyone there was partying and spending time together and calling me and it has been almost a year since I have been back so naturally, it made me a little sad. On one hand this is a bummer but on the other hand, it means that when I do go back in November, I will be so excited to see everyone and a good time will be had by all. There is a chance that I can see some of my peeps at a wedding in Vegas soon, if I am able to attend. We will see what happens. Well I guess I will go. I have a very important question to ask myself: Can I live without HBO?

July 11, 2006 at 4:26 am 3 comments

July 2006

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