Archive for January 19, 2007

Will I ever be a grown-up?

Yesterday, I turned 33 years old but somehow I feel so much younger than my peers.  I don’t have kids or own a house.  I still have mismatched sheets and a futon like a college kid.  My car has been paid off for a few years and has a dent in one side and I rarely cook.  On top of that, I have roommates which is not uncommon in an expensive city like LA but, will I ever feel grown-up? 

Don’t get me wrong, these are not bad things.  I don’t want children and I’m a happy renter.  It seems like less responsibility and besides, who knows where I might end up in the future.

When I was 21 I thought about where I would be at this age and it is so far from reality.  I was sure that I would be making a lot more money and have traveled all over the world by now.  I have traveled all over this country and have had some wonderful experiences but still am nowhere near where I imagined that I would be.  I don’t think this is bad.  I am a responsible adult.  My credit is and has always been excellent although I do have credit card debt.  I have never been late paying any of my credit card bills or rent, ever!  That’s pretty grown up. This year for the first time I helped cook a holiday meal.  Also a grown up activity.  I have always made it a point to go somewhere where the food is already cooked and just help clean up afterwards.  

So, the point is, I am grown-up but I don’t feel like I am and everyone says “your only as young as you feel”  so yippee, I’m 23 (except when I try to shop in the Juniors section).

January 19, 2007 at 12:10 am Leave a comment

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