Archive for September 8, 2006

Paris? or Nicole?

We all indulge in guilty pleasures.  These are things you enjoy that you tend to hide from other people because most of the time it’s really embarrassing.  I have a few and I’ve decided to admit to one of them right here on my blog.  Reality shows!! I generally never watch them but on the few occasions when I have it’s because I was absolulutely bored stiff and got sucked into a really bad reality show marathon.  Now this happens to all of us, that’s why they have marathons.  They wanna keep you hooked on something so they take advantage of our weakness; the pleasure we get from instant gratification.  We get to see in one day what would generally take 12 weeks to see.  Once you spend a whole day watching the cast you also develop a love or hate for them.  I am so glad they did that show My Fair Brady because after watching that season (all in one day) of the Surreal Life where Christopher Knight and Adrian Curry got together, I really longed to know what would happen with them.  Now, I did not watch My Fair Brady but did manage to catch the wedding episode one day after work and I imagine that will be the last one.  So the other day , it was the Simple Life: Till Death Do Us Part.  This show has got to be the most mindless one on the air but it still left me wondering: Paris? Or Nicole? I think Paris.  I really think Nicole is such a bitch and is really a little over the top with some of her antics and Paris is more tactful and tries a little more.  I work in TV so obviously I know that reality shows are not reality but I still prefer Paris.  I didn’t get to watch the entire season of this one.  I missed the confrontation and you know I still wonder what happened with that. Did they make up?  Did they fight?  Was there tears or bloodshed? 


Since I’m getting it all out here, I have to admit one other guilty pleasure possibly more embarrassing than the last. The television shows I like to watch normally are very witty, quirky, and intelligent with excellent writing.  Examples of these shows are Gilmore Girls, Arrested Development, Six Feet Under, House MD, Desperate Housewives, Entourage, Scrubs, Sex and the City, and Weeds. But I also love teeny-bopper shows.



My teeny-bopper show phase started of course with BH 90210 which is totally acceptable given that I was a teenager when it came out.  Then, many years later Felecity was syndicated and somehow I got hooked, then it was Dawson’s Creek in syndication also and now, this is really hard for me to write.  It’s One Tree Hill.  It is pathetic, unrealistic, stupid, and just plain insane but I love to watch it. Every Wednesday.  I used to hide it from my boyfriend but he figured out my dirty little secret.  I told him that in order to be good in my career field (remember I work in TV) I need to know what the kids are into which is true but I also watch it because I truly love it.  I am sure when this show ends there will just be another one for me to get hooked on.  Ya gotta love the WB or now the CW.





September 8, 2006 at 6:14 pm 1 comment

September 2006

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