Excuse me, have you met, ME?

August 25, 2006 at 6:25 pm 3 comments

Lately, I have been bombarded with forwarded e-mails from relatives.  I enjoy keeping in touch with most of my family but would much rather get a personalized hi, how are you than a forwarded guardian angel.  The problem with all of these forwards is that they are religious and Republican in nature.  I am trying to figure out wether these e-mails are meant to convert or annoy me.  The fact of the matter is I am not really religious (although I would make a good jew- I love going to temple, eating challah, and speaking Yiddish) and I am definitely not a Republican.  I don’t call myself a Democrat but tend to vote that way.  I am not heavily invested in an oil company and I am not rich, therefore I am not supportive of an administration that blinds the lower class by saying “God Bless America” every speech while he puts money in the pockets of all of his cronies as the middle and lower class suffer the consequences.  Have you seen the Enron movie?  I highly recommend it.  “Enron, the Smartest Guys in the Room”.  Those friend’s of the Prez and Vice Prez. flat out lied, stole, and cheated both the state of CA and thousands of their employees out of their life savings.  Damn that Kenneth Lay for dying before going to trial!! His family are still millionaires while some of his former faithful employees are on welfare. This is just one of the many things I have complaints about.  Don’t even get me started on the fixed election, the war, the spying, the trying to hand over our ports to the middle east etc. etc, etc.  Wow what a rant!  That is my right because I do vote, even in local elections.  Not sure what brought that on!!  Anyway, I believe that this country was founded by a group of people who wanted freedom to have their own religion that is totally separate from the government.  They set up a government inviting anyone to come and live in freedom so I am not going to sign a petition to keep the 10 commandments in the courthouses because I believe it is unconstitutional.  The constitution was written based  upon the principle of the separation of church and state. The ammendment says freedom of religion.  It does not say freedom of religion for Christians only.  If the 10 commandments stay, then every other religious group should be able to hang up excerpts from their books as well.  I don’t believe in prayer in schools unless that means everyone’s prayer, not just the kind to the father, son, and the holy ghost.  I am against illegal immigration but am glad that we have immigration.  After all, this country would not be as wonderful as it is without the cultural diversity.  No, I will not sign a petition to keep Spanish off of phone bills etc.  What does it hurt to have it printed in two languages.  They do it in other countries.  So, my point is, I’m trying to figure out how to handle these e-mails.  Obviously, I get angry after I read them and delete, delete, delete.  I don’t want to be rude and respond excuse me, do you know who you’re sending this to.  Perhaps I will start sending anti-republican, anti-Bush, anti-religious e-mails to them and see how they respond.  What do you think?

Entry filed under: religion and politics, venting.

I miss Eddie The Megan Mullally show will never make it

3 Comments Add your own

  • 1. SECR  |  August 25, 2006 at 6:59 pm

    OMG! I know EXACTLY where you are coming from. My family just recently updated everyone’s contact info and I started to get these terrible Republican, right-wing, support the war or hate our country-type emails! I finally sort of went off at one of my relatives (a second cousin)in an email and haven’t received another email since! I’m sorry, but it is tasteless and rude to send political emails to anyone unless you know the person shares your beliefs! It also opened my eyes and made me realize that not only do these people not know me, but i obviously don’t know them…and don’t care to know this side of them at all!!!

  • 2. K to the H  |  August 25, 2006 at 7:57 pm

    To be honest, it just makes me want to puke. Most of it is the same crap that has been going round and round since the inception of e-mail and it is closed minded B.S. It is irritating to get them once, but I get them time and time again. Most of the time I can tell what it is and delete it without even opening it. However, my Mother loves to send me ones that blare out heinous music upon opening them. GOD BLESS AMERICA! That is always nice when that happens at work! I think that maybe I should at least challenge people when they send it to me. Then maybe they will stop.

  • 3. kim  |  August 27, 2006 at 6:42 am

    i say…check your email and try not to cry….


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