Posts filed under ‘on being a mac person’

Happy B-day PC

Last week marked the 25th anniversary of the marriage between IBM and Microsoft giving us the PC. I must say, I was a heavy PC user for about 8 years and then my life changed. I converted to Mac. It was one of the best days of my life. I never have to worry about viruses, it boots up really fast and it has never once frozen on me (now Microsoft Word, the program, has frozen up many times but the rest of the computer still operates when this happens). It is the most simple piece of equipment to use and yet I know that it is far superior to the PC. I still have to use a PC at work and I get so frustrated, it takes around 7 minutes to boot up and it is just so slow with everything. I don’t know the statistics but it seems that most people use a PC.  Only graphic designers, photographers, and editors buy Macs.  This is an attrocity!!My question is how did this happen?  Maybe they are more affordable, but they are much harder to learn and there are so many problems.  With a Mac, if you can’t figure something out, you can pretty much just click and drag and like magic, it works.  I will never go back to PC.  I love my Mac.  It makes me wonder, could I live without my Mac?

August 16, 2006 at 6:10 pm Leave a comment

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